Youth Management Teams
Rathbone youth services are shaped by the effective contributions from our young people. Our YMT’s are the way in which young people are able to share their interests, needs, and perspectives in decisions that affect their engagement with and outcomes gained through youth programmes.
We believe young people being able to express their voices, and be listened to, requires a platform to support this, which directly results in the positive shaping of youth services, and leads to empowerment, a sense of belonging and feeling valued.

The Central Hill YMT is in its inception stage with 6-12 members regularly contributing to monthly team meetings. Due to the context of the Central hill Estate being earmarked for demolition, the YMT have assumed the role of ‘Youth Voice’ on the estate, ensuring the views, ideas and needs of young people are represented in the redevelopment of the estate as well as working with the staff team on shaping and co-designing the youth offer for the area.
The Old Library Youth Management Team (OLYMT) is run and has been developed by young people for young people who use the Old Library Youth Club. (link)
It was set up by a team of 8 young people in 2013 to represent the views of young people, giving them the opportunity to be heard on their ideas, opinions and needs. This created a space where young people can discuss issues faced by them and work with staff to implement the necessary support mechanisms and programmes to address the identified needs, in addition to engaging with decision-making, such as programme planning and youth worker recruitment.

If you are interested in joining the OLYMT or would like to know more please email the team at
If you are interested in joining the Central Hill YMT or would like to know more please email the team at