CVC Foundation

CVC Capital Partners
Sponsors our YC

The funding we received from CVC Summer Grants enabled us to deliver…..

 6 x accessible technologies sessions that included creative media, animation+ film making and music technology

  • 2 x Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) sessions focused on supporting young people 16+ with UCAS and university loans support, cv writing, job search and interview skills and techniques workshops
  • 1 x community multi sports team day, bringing together a range of local youth groups for a day of fun physical activities.
  • A day trip to see some of London’s iconic sights
  • Concluding the programme with a day trip to Thorpe Park!

Delivering sessions that were accessible and inclusive to all of our young people including those with disabilities was a primary focus for the funding we secured.

CVC Tower Bridge

We saw a number of new members join the youth club as a result of engaging in the activities offered to them throughout the course of the summer holiday programme. Being able to provide young people with access to new sessions that they had not experience before and enabling them to gain new, transferable skills that help them to be more work ready were key successes of the funding.

Number of young people the project has benefitted.

42 individual young people

Numbers of young people that completed Accreditations

23 young people completed AQA’s