Central Hill YMT

The Central Hill Youth Hub is a new, hyper-local youth hub based on Central Hill Estate. The YMT is in its inception stage with 6-12 members regularly contributing to monthly team meetings. Due to the context of the Central hill Estate being earmarked for demolition, the YMT have assumed the role of ‘Youth Voice’ on the estate, ensuring the views, ideas and needs of young people are represented in the redevelopment of the estate as well as working with the staff team on shaping and co-designing the youth offer for the area.

The YMT is the platform where young people can make suggestions, changes and keep staff aware of what they feel are the needs for young people in the locality. They can bring up any matters that they feel need to be discussed, for example improving the safety of young people attending the youth club during winter months and highlighting the need for the estate MUGA to be improved. Most things that are mentioned in this forum can be ongoing ideas that get implemented but the suggestion of shorter term projects and half-term activities are a common feature.

If you are interested in joining the Central Hill YMT or would like to know more please email the team at