Themed Group Workshops

Themed group workshops

These workshops offer young people the opportunity to explore an issue or topic, relevant to them, within a group. As part of our targeted youth offer, themed workshops can range anywhere from workshops about sexual health, relationships and abuse awareness.

The workshops are delivered as part of our core offer to young people through our Stronger Minds resilience sessions. In addition to the Stronger Minds sessions we work in partnership with other local agencies to facilitate workshops in line with the identified needs of young people.

We continuously assess the needs of a group of young people and devise tailored curriculum to meet those priorities. We also provide skill-based workshops such as cooking, music production and 16+ Driving Theory workshops.

Upcoming BROOK and DASH Lambeth workshops

DASH sexual health and substance misuse teams will be onsite at both youth sites delivering workshops and drop-in sessions until February 2023.

Workshops and drop-in sessions will be tailored around the needs and ages of the young people engaging in the workshops.

The workshops will cover the following topics:

  • Consent
  • Healthy relationships
  • Free contraception & condoms
  • STI testing & treatment
  • Pregnancy testing & advice
  • Emergency contraception
  • Substance use harm reduction and education
  • Support around drugs and alcohol

For dates and times of the workshops please contact your local Youth Club site:
Old Library Youth Club or Central hill Youth Hub.